Customer Testimonials

Here are a few comments from our satisfied clients:

“With upfront pricing and the ability to schedule an appointment online, S2C made the whole process hassle free!”
–Dan W., Olympia

“John recently performed a required gopher survey for me.  His work was excellent!  He was easy to contact, had a flexible schedule to meet my needs, and his work was prompt.  He quickly performed the survey and provided his report to me and the County.  He monitored the schedule and proactively contacted me for the required second site visit.  He quickly completed that report as well.  Plus, his rates were very competitive.  The terrain of my property is a bit rough, but that was no problem for John.  He jumped right in and got the job done!  I highly recommend him.  AAA+++”
— Fabian G., Yelm

“John was very prompt in responding to my request for a gopher study. He was able to come to the property in question and do the initial report. He was also very prompt in getting the initial report back to me which was very thorough. He went above and beyond with the county getting questions answered for me that I was not able to myself. During the initial review we also found out we needed to have a prairie soils report done which the county never mentioned. Due to unforeseen circumstances we were not able to move forward with the second gopher inspection. John was very accommodating and refunded us half of our money. We hope to complete the process next year. I would Recommend John for this very important study if your property is designated to be in the gopher zone.”

— Kimberly B., Rochester